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Name               : M. Amin Lubis, M.HI
Birth date         : Lamongan, May 17, 1967
Address           : Jl. Pabrik Kulit Gang 3 No. 23 Surabaya East Java, Indonesia

Academic qualification:
1.      Raudatul Athfal Elementary School, Babat, Lamongan
2.      Islamic Junior High School Tegal Rejo, Datinawong, Babat, Lamongan
3.      State Islamic Senior High School Babat, Lamongan
4.      Undergraduate of State Institute of Islamic Studies  Sunan Ampel Surabaya
5.      Post-graduate of State Institute of Islamic Studies  Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Experience in the arts:
1.      Assistant coach Student Choir of the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya since 1988-1993
2.      Coaches Student Choir of the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya since 1993-now
3.     Coaches Qasidah Tambourine (Islamic Music from Indonesia which is adopted from the traditional music of the middle east)
4.      Coaches contemporary music Keraton Ampel

1.      Hymne PMII (Indonesian Islamic Students Movement)
2.      Hymne Miftahul Ulum
3.      Jinggle BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning)
4.      Creator Qasidah tambourine with the title track at-Tarhim
5.      Martian State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya
6.      Hymne State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Jinggle State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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